Bürger*innenKRAFTWERK - the story of an energy community
Read more on Bürger*innenKRAFTwerk here: https://schb-aggs.at/energiegemeinschaft
The Bürger*innenKRAFTwerk energy community is located in Schönbühel-Aggsbach by the Danube river, in Lower Austria.
The initiative consists of concerned citizens with a desire to improve sustainable living and awareness in their communities. They are active in a series of regional projects (all initiated through their energy community), including taking part in helping toads safely cross a regional road, organizing tours on the history of the region, and even community cooking events.
The main purpose of their initiative however, is to promote local energy production. With this purpose in mind, a small group of active members came together to build up their own energy community while networking with other communities in the region.
This documentary explore the initiative, their journey and what the future holds for them.